Downgrade your Enterprise Cloud Pool

It turns out you're reliably using less resources that you expected, or you've retired a VM and don't need to create another in its place, in this case we can downgrade the resource pool to save on costs, here's how;

Important! - You cannot downgrade below the capacity of resources that are currently in use, if you wish to downgrade you must first make space by deleting a VM or decreasing its assigned resources.

  1. Log into your account and using the Navigation Bar select "Services - Enterprise Cloud".
  2. Select the Enterprise Cloud pool you intend to downgrade from the "Product/Service" tab.
  3. On the left Navigation Bar, click on the "Resources" tab. 
  4. Here you will see a summary of your current allocation and usage, in the bottom-right click on the "Upgrade/Downgrade" button.
  5. Move the sliders to your desired specification and click "Continue"
  6. Here you will be given a summary which includes the new monthly price, and if you're owed any credit (due to pro-rata invoicing) it will be assigned to your account automatically.
  7. You will receive confirmation that the downgrade is processing and within a few seconds the new resources should be appropriately adjusted.
  8. Confirm this by clicking the "Resources" tab, the capacity and usage should have updated.

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